
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kyle McMahon And James Taranto Feud Over Fatherlessness

Kyle McMahon And James Taranto Feud Over Fatherlessness

Kyle McMahon / K.Mac Music / Kyle Mac / KMAC
Kyle McMahon / K.Mac Music / Kyle Mac
Fatherless Son posterboy, recording artist & advocate Kyle McMahon (who we recently announced a partnership with) has written an article for the Huffington Post in response to the Wall Street Journal piece by James Taranto. In the WSJ piece, which we first reported about a few days ago, Taranto claims women entering the workforce and birth control pills are the reason for the rise in fatherlessness in America.  McMahon's piece is a direct response to that WSJ article.

There is now a bit of a Twitter war going on between the two and their camps. The good from this is that it keeps the conversation of the fatherless on the minds of the public. The unfortunate news is that it continues to shine a light on the amount of uninformed and willfully ignorant on the reasons men abandon their children. As we always say, education is the biggest combatant of ignorance.

Read the article: 'No, Women Are NOT The Reason for Fatherless Children' by Kyle McMahon

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