
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Study Shows Today's Fathers Are More Hands On

Study Shows Today's Fathers Are More Hands On

A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics, a part of the Center for Disease Control, shows that father involvement has increased since the same study was done in 2002. Four thousand fathers from age 15 - 44 were interviewed from 2006 - 2010.

For fathers with children younger than 5:

*Almost 2 out of 3 fathers read to their children several times per week
*9 out of 10 fathers bathed, diapered, helped with the toilet and dressed their kids several times per week

"It's a meaningful trend. I don't think my father ever changed a diaper," says researcher Jo Jones - who assisted on the report. The trend upward is though to be based, on part, on the more equal work schedules of parents. The "stay-at-home" mom family is no longer the norm. Today single parent households are actually the norm. Together with "stay-at-home" dads, co-parenting and just about every situation you can think of, it is helping to cause father's to be a more active participant in their child's life.

Information from: TribLive

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